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Showing items in category Nyasaland, sorted by newest listed first.
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NYASALAND - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at FORT JOHNSTON.NYASALAND - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at FORT JOHNSTON.

1901 (AP.4.) cover addressed to UK (vertical fold at left edge) bearing the 1d black and ultramarine adhesive (SG 43) tied by squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/B.C.A. cancel. CHINDE transit b/s.

NYASALAND - 1901 2d rate cover to UK used at FORT JOHNSTON.NYASALAND - 1901 2d rate cover to UK used at FORT JOHNSTON.

1901 (JY.2.) cover addressed to UK (a little tired) bearing 2d black and yellow adhesive (SG 44) tied by squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/B.C.S. cancel. CHINE transit b/s.

NYASALAND - 1924 2/6d black and carmine red on pale blue fine mint block of four.  SG 110.NYASALAND - 1924 2/6d black and carmine red on pale blue fine mint block of four. SG 110.

1924 2/6d black and carmine red on pale blue 'key plate' fine mint block of four. SG 110.

NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 1.

1892 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) used with NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine RPSE (size G) used with 'PERFORATED SPECIMEN' applied. H&G 1b.

1893 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) showing the rare printing with 'R' in oval being 32mm with flap PERFORATED SPECIMEN. Small black mark on reverse but a very scarce piece of stationery. H&G 1b.

NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused with SPECIMEN struck diagonally.  H&G 7.NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused with SPECIMEN struck diagonally. H&G 7.

1895 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black on reverse. H&G 7.

NYASALAND - 1953 1/- rate re-directed cover to UK struck NYASALAND - 1953 1/- rate re-directed cover to UK struck 'T' with '6d' h/s alongside.

1953 cover addressed to UK and re-directed bearing QEII 1/- adhesive tied by LIMBE cds but was underpaid and has 'T' tax mark applied with scarce '6d' h/s in black.

NYASALAND - 1947 NYASALAND - 1947 'UPU' congress folder.

1947 'Congress Postal Universel Paris' red and gold official folder with definitive values to 10/- plus Victory pair affixed inside. Given to delegates attending the congress. Some dotted scuffs to the cover as is usual with these.

NYASALAND - 1940 4d dark blue NYASALAND - 1940 4d dark blue 'KGVI' RPSE (size H) unused. H&G 4.

1940 4d dark blue on cream 'KGVI' registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition showing the THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANT, LIMITED imprint under flap in serifed letters. H&G 4.

NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black.  H&G 2.NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 2.

1914 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally on reverse and showing THOS.DE LA RUE & CO.LTD PATENT imprint under flap. H&G 2.

NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black.  H&G 2.NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE (size F) unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 2.

1914 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally on reverse and showing THOS.DE LA RUE & CO.LTD PATENT imprint under flap and with a little adhesion at right edge. H&G 2.

NYASALAND - 1936 first flight cover to Beira.NYASALAND - 1936 first flight cover to Beira.

1935 (AUG.5.) illustrated 'Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways Ltd' first flight cover to Beira bearing 4d adhesive tied BLANTYRE and struck by black boxed FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE/NYASALAND- MOZAMBIQUE. Mozambique 30c adhesive on reverse side tied BEIRA. Flown by 'Leopard Moth' by pilot M.H. Pearce with 907 letters flown.

NYASALAND - 1938 4d blue RPSE (size H) unused.  H&G 3b.NYASALAND - 1938 4d blue RPSE (size H) unused. H&G 3b.

1938 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition showing the 'Thos De La Rue & Co Ltd' imprint under flap. H&G 3b.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d black NYASALAND - 1895 2d black 'External' PSC to Germany used at CHINDE/BCA. H&G 5.

1895 2d black (yellow edged) 'External' postal stationery postcard of British Central Africa addressed to Germany (short message headed 'Chinde') and cancelled by CHINDE/B.C.A. cds dated JU.26.98. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1938 1d brown PSC unused hand stamped SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 6.NYASALAND - 1938 1d brown PSC unused hand stamped SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 6.

1938 1d brown on buff 'KGVI' postal stationery postcard unused with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. A scarce card. H&G 6.

NYASALAND - 1897 £1 black and dull purple used. SG 51.NYASALAND - 1897 £1 black and dull purple used. SG 51.

1897 £1 black and dull purple 'CC' watermark issue cancelled by squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/ BCA cancel dated MR.3.1900. SG 51.

NYASALAND - 1897 4/- black and carmine used. SG 50.NYASALAND - 1897 4/- black and carmine used. SG 50.

1897 4/- black and carmine cancelled by fine squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/BCA cds dated MR.3.00. SG 50.

NYASALAND - 1949 underpaid registered cover to USA struck by scarce NYASALAND - 1949 underpaid registered cover to USA struck by scarce '6d' tax mark at ZOMBA.

1949 (NOV.21.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing 1d, 6d and 1/- 'UPU' adhesives tied ZOMBA/NYASALAND and being underpaid having 'T' tax mark applied with scarce '6d' h/s alongside in black. Proud type UP7.

NYASALAND - 1934 8d rate first flight cover to Tanganyika.NYASALAND - 1934 8d rate first flight cover to Tanganyika.

1934 (8.3.) illustrated 'leopard' first flight cover addressed to Dar Es Salaam in Tanganyika bearing 2d and 6d adhesives tied BLANTYRE with FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE/NYASALAND-SOUTHERN RHODESIA cachet applied.

NYASALAND - 1934 first flight cover to Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia.NYASALAND - 1934 first flight cover to Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia.

1934 (8.3.) first flight cover addressed to Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia bearing 1d pair and 4d tied BLANTYRE and with SALISBURY arrival b/s. Struck by boxed FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE/NYASALAND-SOUTHERN RHODESIA h/s in black.

NYASALAND - 1913 inward 1d PSC of GB with BLANTYRE-NYASALAND arrival cancel.NYASALAND - 1913 inward 1d PSC of GB with BLANTYRE-NYASALAND arrival cancel.

1913 (JU.18.) inward 1d postal stationery postcard of GB with squared circle BLANTYRE- NYASALAND cancel.

K.U.T. - 1934 inward first flight cover from Nyasaland with UNCLAIMED and K.U.T. - 1934 inward first flight cover from Nyasaland with UNCLAIMED and 'RLO' strikes.

1934 (8.3.) inward first flight cover from Nyasaland bearing 2d and 3d pair tied BLANTRYE with black boxed FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE/NYASALAND-SOUTHERN RHODESIA h/s applied but undelivered and struck by violet UNCLAIMED handstamp (Proud type I 12) with s/r NAIROBI/R.L.O. cds dated 28.MY.34 alongside.

NYASALAND - 1894 NYASALAND - 1894 'FOUR' on 2d ultramarine RPSE (size H2) unused. H&G 4a.

1894 'FOUR' on 2d ultramarine registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in unused condition. Just a few light tone spots on back and small gum mark on flap. H&G 4a.

NYASALAND - 1945 2d rate NYASALAND - 1945 2d rate 'PASSED Q/5' censor cover to India used at LIMBE.

1945 (JAN.13.) cover addressed to India bearing 2d adhesive tied LIMBE/NYASALAND with black crowned PASSED Q/5 h/s applied (Little type II) of which only example has been recorded. Octagonal 'C4' censor mark applied on arrival with BOMBAY b/s.

NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE uprated to Guernsey used at BLANTYRE.  H&G 2a.NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE uprated to Guernsey used at BLANTYRE. H&G 2a.

1914 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing bearing additional 2d grey adhesive cancelled by BLANTYRE/NYASALAND cds dated 4.AUG.21. BRITISH CONCESSIONS/CHINDE transit b/s. H&G 2a.

NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at BLANTYRE.  H&G 2a.NYASALAND - 1914 4d blue RPSE uprated to UK used at BLANTYRE. H&G 2a.

1914 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to UK bearing 1/2d, 1d and 2d strip of three on reverse side cancelled by BLANTYRE/NYASALAND cds dated 19.5.24. and with black on cream perforated 'R/BLANTYRE/No…' registered label on front. H&G 2a.

NYASALAND - 1912 1d carmine PSE unused with SPECIMEN h/s.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1912 1d carmine PSE unused with SPECIMEN h/s. H&G 1.

1912 1d carmine on thick cream postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1908 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 2.NYASALAND - 1908 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 2.

1908 1d carmine on yellowish paper postal stationery wrapper in fine unused condition. H&G 2.

NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size F) unused.  H&G 3.NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size F) unused. H&G 3.

1938 4d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) with 'Thos De La Rue La Rue & Co. Patent' imprint under flap in fine unused condition and showing the narrower spaced 'The Stamp/To Pay/must be/placed here' instructional block at top right corner. H&G 3.

NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size F) unused.  H&G 3.NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size F) unused. H&G 3.

1949 4d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition with THOMAS DE LA RUE & COMPANY, LIMITED imprint under flap. This being the re-issued 1949 printing which is unlisted by H&G with this imprint on the 'F' size issue.

NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 3a.NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 3a.

1938 4d dark blue on cream postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 3a.

NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE unused.  H&G 7.NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue RPSE unused. H&G 7.

1895 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition but with small surface fault. H&G 7. Scarce.

NYASALAND - 1898 1/2d green PSC unused.  H&G 6.NYASALAND - 1898 1/2d green PSC unused. H&G 6.

1898 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 6.

NYASALAND - 1898 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 7.NYASALAND - 1898 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 7.

1898 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 7.

NYASALAND - 1899 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper unused.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1899 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper unused. H&G 1.

1899 1d carmine on buff postal stationery wrapper. Fine unused. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1904 1d carmine PSC unused.  H&G 9.NYASALAND - 1904 1d carmine PSC unused. H&G 9.

1899 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard. Fine unused. H&G 9.

NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover to Kenya used at TPO/NYASALAND.NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover to Kenya used at TPO/NYASALAND.

1934 (JAN.1) cover to Kenya bearing 1d pair (SG 101) tied by T.P.O./NYASALAND cds.

NYASALAND - 1916 3d rate cover to USA used at BLANTYRE.NYASALAND - 1916 3d rate cover to USA used at BLANTYRE.

1916 (15.12.) use of commercial pre-printed 'The Standard Bank' envelope addressed to USA (opened on three sides) bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by BLANTYRE/NYASALAND cds.

NYASALAND - 1894 NYASALAND - 1894 'FOUR' on 2d ultramarine (size G) RPSE unused. H&G 4.

1894 'FOUR' in black on 2d ultramarine registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. H&G 4.

NYASALAND - 1894 NYASALAND - 1894 'FOUR' on 2d ultramarine (size H2) RPSE unused. H&G 4a.

1894 'FOUR' in black on 2d ultramarine registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in fine unused condition. H&G 4a.

NYASALAND - 1962 5/- green EMPLOYMENT STAMP in fine mint condition. NYASALAND - 1962 5/- green EMPLOYMENT STAMP in fine mint condition.

1962 5/- green EMPLOYMENT STAMP in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 2.

NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black.  H&G 3.NYASALAND - 1938 4d dark blue RPSE unused struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 3.

1938 4d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in unused condition struck SPECIMEN diagonally in black on front. Small adherence under the tip edge of flap. H&G 3.

NYASALAND - 1935 NYASALAND - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' first day cover used locally at LILONGWE.

1935 (6.5.) first day local cover bearing the 'Silver Jubilee' set of four (SG 123-26) tied by LILONGWE cds. Proud type D5. A scarce 'village' first day use of this difficult set.

NYASALAND - 1935 first flight cover to Beira used at BLANTYRE.NYASALAND - 1935 first flight cover to Beira used at BLANTYRE.

1935 (AUG.5.) illustrated first flight cover addressed to Beira bearing 2d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesive pair tied BLANTYRE and with black boxed FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE cachet applied. Flown by RANA with only 907 covers flown.

NYASALAND - 1975 (circa) blue on cream NYASALAND - 1975 (circa) blue on cream 'FORMULA' RPSE (size G) unused.

MALAWI - 1975 (circa) blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition.

NYASALAND - 1975 (circa) blue on cream NYASALAND - 1975 (circa) blue on cream 'FORMULA' RPSE (size H) unused.

MALAWI - 1975 (circa) blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size H) in fine unused condition.

NYASALAND - 1951 use of FORMULA air letter to USA from ZOMBA overprinted NYASALAND - 1951 use of FORMULA air letter to USA from ZOMBA overprinted 'O.H.M.S.'

1951 (FEB.24.) use of dark blue on greyish blue FORMULA type air letter addressed to USA pre-printed O.H.M.S. at top and cancelled by ZOMBA/NYASALAND cds. An scarce official use by the Department of Agriculture.

NYASALAND - 1914 1/2d green PSC unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 4.NYASALAND - 1914 1/2d green PSC unused SPECIMEN. H&G 4.

1914 1/2d green on buff postal stationery postcard in unused condition with black diagonal SPECIMEN on front. H&G 4.

NYASALAND - 1914 1d red PSC unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 5.NYASALAND - 1914 1d red PSC unused SPECIMEN. H&G 5.

1914 1d red on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1941 NYASALAND - 1941 'PASSED BY CENSOR 15' 2d rate cover to USA used at BLANTYRE.

1941 (FE.17.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2d adhesive tied BLANTYRE/NYASALAND with black on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on the front by circular PASSED BY/15/ CENSOR handstamp in violet. (Little type I).

NYASALAND - 1898 1/2d green on cream PSC unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 6.NYASALAND - 1898 1/2d green on cream PSC unused SPECIMEN. H&G 6.

1898 1/2d green on cream 'Internal' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition with SPECIMEN applied diagonally in black on front. H&G 6.

NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine unused RPSE with NYASALAND - 1893 2d ultramarine unused RPSE with '4d' surcharge in manuscript. H&G 3a.

1893 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in unused condition (light ageing mainly due to arabic gum and small fault under flap due to adherence) with '2d pence' deleted in red manuscript and with '4d' added and signed by the postmaster alongside. Used as a temporary measure and very scarce. H&G 3a.

NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue on cream RPSE unused.  H&G 7a.
NYASALAND - 1895 4d blue on cream RPSE unused. H&G 7a.

1895 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in fine unused condition H&G 7a.

NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate censored cover to USA used at KARONGA.NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate censored cover to USA used at KARONGA.

1941 (14.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 2d adhesive tied by KARONGA cds (Proud D7) with circular PASSED BY/CENSOR/10 h/s in black (CC I) with P.C.90/OPENED BY/EXAMINER 4417 label applied on route.

NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate censor cover to Canada with unrecorded NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate censor cover to Canada with unrecorded '6' h/s.

1941 (MY.31.) cover addressed to Canada bearing the 2d 'Coronation' adhesive tied ZOMBA with black circular PASSED BY/6/CENSOR h/s below (Little type 1). Noted as being rare with Number 6 not being noted by Little.

NYASALAND - 1940 3d rate NYASALAND - 1940 3d rate 'OPENED BY CENSOR ' cover to USA.

1940 (JU.8.) cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by SMOKE IMPERIAL cancel with black on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left with '2' inserted in manuscript. Little type II a.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow PSC to Germany used at FORT JOHNSTON.  H&G 5NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow PSC to Germany used at FORT JOHNSTON. H&G 5

1895 2d black and white 'external' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/BCA cancel dated MY.11.08. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow PSC to UK used at FORT ANDERSON.  H&G 5.NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow PSC to UK used at FORT ANDERSON. H&G 5.

1895 2d black on cream (yellow border) 'External' postal stationery postcard addressed to UK cancelled by FORT ANDERSON/B.C.A. cds (Proud type D3) dated NO.22.98. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1942 (circa) 3d rate NYASALAND - 1942 (circa) 3d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR/2' cover to USA used at MKHOMA.

1942 circa cover to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by light MKHOMA cds (Proud type D3) with black on white OPENED BY CENSOR label at left & struck by circular PASSED BY/2/CENSOR h/s on front.

NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate NYASALAND - 1941 2d rate 'PASSED BY CENSOR 10' cover to Canada from the Katete Mission.

1941 (17.12.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 2d adhesive tied LILONGWE with black on white OPENED BY CENSOR label at right (Little type IIa) with circular PASSED BY/10/CENSOR strike on front. Sent from the Katete Mission. (Little type I).

NYASALAND - 1945 2d rate NYASALAND - 1945 2d rate 'PASSED/ Q/8' censor cover to USA (faults) used at FORT JOHNSTON.

1945 (JAN.14.) cover to USA (minor faults and sellotape marks) bearing 1d adhesive pair tied FORT JOHNSTON with black on white OPENED BY EXAMINER/ Q/ P.C.90 censor label at left (Little type IIIb) and tied on reverse side by black crowned octagonal PASSED / Q/8 censor. Little type II.

NYASALAND - 1943 3d rate NYASALAND - 1943 3d rate 'PASSED/ Q/10' censor cover to USA.

1943 cover addressed to USA bearing 1d and 2d adhesives tied by weak PORT HERALD cds with black crown octagonal PASSED / Q/10 censor h/s on front. Little type II.

NYASALAND - 1936 Magistrates ledger page with 3/- adhesives indicating payment made in cash.NYASALAND - 1936 Magistrates ledger page with 3/- adhesives indicating payment made in cash.

1936 (8.MAY.) Magistrates ledger page for a fine of 3/- or a months prison for being in possession of illegal liquor paid for in cash and with 1/- adhesives added with 2/- 'key plate' tied by oval rubber offical handstamp.

NYASALAND - 1937 Magistrates ledger page with 3/- adhesive indicating payment made in cash.NYASALAND - 1937 Magistrates ledger page with 3/- adhesive indicating payment made in cash.

1937 (26.AUG.) Magistrates ledger page for a fine of 3/- or 7 days in prison for riding a bicycle without brakes paid in cash with 3d pair and 2/6d 'key plate' adhesives added tied by double ringed oval TOWN MAGISTRATES/BLANTYRE cancels.

NYASALAND - 1928 Magistrates Ledger sheet with 4/6d and 2/- adhesives indicating payment by cash.NYASALAND - 1928 Magistrates Ledger sheet with 4/6d and 2/- adhesives indicating payment by cash.

1928 (2.2) double sided Magistrates criminal ledger sheet made out for 'causing a nuisance'. One side with fine of 4/6d (bail 2/- and nuisance 2/6d) paid in cash and with 1/- adhesive pair added and 2/6d 'key plate' to show payment tied by oval cog-wheeled THE ASST.MAGISTRATE/LIMBE handstamp in violet. The other side fine 2/- or 7 days in prison paid again in cash with 1/- adhesive pair added and similarly cancelled.

NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE unused.  H&G 1a.NYASALAND - 1892 2d ultramarine RPSE unused. H&G 1a.

1892 2d ultramarine on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size H2) in fine unused condition with the 'R' in oval 28mm high. H&G 1a.

NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover used by T.P.O./NYASALAND.NYASALAND - 1934 2d rate cover used by T.P.O./NYASALAND.

1934 (SEP.21.) cover addressed locally to Blantyre bearing 2d adhesive tied by T.P.O./NYASALAND cds. Sent from the 'Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co' at Mutarara in Portugese East Africa. Taken by the 'Shire Highland Railway Company'.

NYASALAND - 1895 1d black NYASALAND - 1895 1d black 'Internal' PSC unused. H&G 4.

1895 1d Black on white 'Internal' postal stationery postcard. Fine unused. H&G 4.

NYASALAND - 1942 3d rate censored cover to USA.NYASALAND - 1942 3d rate censored cover to USA.

1942 cover addressed to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by ZOMBA cds with black on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left tied on the front by circular PASSED BY/2/CENSOR strike. Little type1.

NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q8 censor cover to Canada used at MZIMBA.NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q8 censor cover to Canada used at MZIMBA.

1943 (27.9.) cover addressed to Canada (a little crumpling) bearing 2d adhesive tied by scarcer MZIMBA/NYASALAND cds with black on cream OPENED BY EXAMINER/ Q / -372-P.C.90 censor label at left (Little type VD) tied on the reverse by black octagonal crowned PASSED/ Q/8 censor h/s.

NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q6 censor cover to USA used at BLANTYRE.NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q6 censor cover to USA used at BLANTYRE.

1943 (SEP.14.) commercial cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1/2d black adhesive pair tied by two part strikes of the BLANTYRE/NYASALAND cds's with black crowned octagonal PASSED / Q/6 censor h/s.

NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q4 censor cover to Canada used at DEDZA.NYASALAND - 1943 PASSED/Q4 censor cover to Canada used at DEDZA.

1943 (1.9.) cover addressed to Canada bearing 2d adhesive tied by DEDZA/NYASALAND cds and with rare black on white OPENED BY CENSOR/ Q/ -372-P.C.90 censor label at left (CCSG type VD) tied on reverse by octagonal crowned PASSED/ Q/4 censor h/s.

NYASALAND - 1895 1/2d black and yellow on cream NYASALAND - 1895 1/2d black and yellow on cream 'Internal' PSC SPECIMEN.

1895 1/2d black and yellow on cream 'Internal' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally. H&G 3.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow on cream NYASALAND - 1895 2d black and yellow on cream 'External' PSC SPECIMEN.

1895 2d Black on white 'External' postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition with diagonal SPECIMEN h/s. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1908 1/2d green PSC SPECIMEN.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1908 1/2d green PSC SPECIMEN. H&G 1.

1908 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1903 1d carmine PSC SPECIMEN.  H&G 2.NYASALAND - 1903 1d carmine PSC SPECIMEN. H&G 2.

1903 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 2.

NYASALAND - 1933 1 1/2d rate postcard to Italy used at KARONGA.NYASALAND - 1933 1 1/2d rate postcard to Italy used at KARONGA.

1933 (31.7.) use of picture postcard addressed to Italy depicting 'Mudi Bridge, Main Road, Blantyre' bearing 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied to picture side by KARONGA cds.

NYASALAND - 1938 NYASALAND - 1938 'KGVI' series on three registered covers to South Africa.

1938 (FEB.12.) range of three registered covers addressed to South Africa bearing the 'Symbol Of The Protectorate' original series to the 1/- (SG 130-138 / 9 values) each cancelled by BLANTYRE cds's and with black rubber boxed R/BLANTYRE/No h/s's. (3 covers).

NYASALAND - 1916 1d carmine PSE unused SPECIMEN.  H&G 2.NYASALAND - 1916 1d carmine PSE unused SPECIMEN. H&G 2.

1916 1d carmine postal stationery envelope (small pin hole in reverse flap) in unused condition and with black diagonal SPECIMEN on front. H&G 2.

NYASALAND - 1899 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1899 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper SPECIMEN. H&G 1.

1899 1d carmine on buff postal stationery wrapper (central horizontal fold) overprinted diagonally SPECIMEN in black. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1936 1d rate cover to Transvaal used at CHIRADZULU.NYASALAND - 1936 1d rate cover to Transvaal used at CHIRADZULU.

1936 (5.11.) cover addressed to Transvaal (central fold) bearing 'leopard' 1d brown adhesive tied by CHIRADZULU cds (Proud type D3).

NYASALAND - 1905 1d rate cover to Cape Town used at CHIROMO.NYASALAND - 1905 1d rate cover to Cape Town used at CHIROMO.

1905 (DE.8) cover to Cape Town bearing 1d (SG 59) tied by squared circle CHIROMO/BCA cancel with s/r CHINDE/BCA transit b/s & Cape Town arrival cds.

NYASALAND - 1912 1d carmine PSE unused.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1912 1d carmine PSE unused. H&G 1.

1912 1d carmine on thick cream postal stationery envelope in fine unused condition. Elusive item. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1904 1/2d green PSC unused.  H&G 8.NYASALAND - 1904 1/2d green PSC unused. H&G 8.

1904 1/2d Green on cream postal stationery postcard. Fine unused. H&G 8.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d NYASALAND - 1895 2d 'external' PSC to Germany used at TSHIROMO. H&G 5.

1895 2d black and white 'external' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled blotched s/r TSHIROMO/B.C.A. cds dated 29.8.99 (Proud type D4) with HAMBURG arrival dated 18.10.99. The card has a diagonal crease but is a scarce striking. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d NYASALAND - 1895 2d 'external' PSC to UK used at BLANTYRE. H&G 5.

1895 2d black and white 'external' postal stationery postcard addressed to UK cancelled squared circle BLANTYRE/BCA cancel dated JY.9.99. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d NYASALAND - 1895 2d 'external' PSC to Germany used at BLANTYRE. H&G 5.

1895 2d black and white 'external' postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled squared circle BLANTYRE/BCA cancel dated NO.21.05. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1908 2d grey PSC unused with diagonal SPECIMEN h/s.  H&G 3.NYASALAND - 1908 2d grey PSC unused with diagonal SPECIMEN h/s. H&G 3.

1903 2d grey on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally in black. H&G 3.

NYASALAND - 1908 1/2d green PSC unused.  H&G 1.NYASALAND - 1908 1/2d green PSC unused. H&G 1.

1908 1/2 Green on cream postal stationery postcard. Fine unused. H&G 1.

NYASALAND - 1895 2d PSC to UK used at KARONGA.  H&G 5.NYASALAND - 1895 2d PSC to UK used at KARONGA. H&G 5.

1895 2d black on white 'External' postal stationery postcard addressed to UK (overall toned) cancelled by scarce squared circled KARONGA cds dated OC.21.05 with squared circle FORT JOHNSTON/BCA and s/r CHINDE transit cds's alongside. H&G 5.

NYASALAND - 1929 5/- green and red on yellow mint.  SG 112.NYASALAND - 1929 5/- green and red on yellow mint. SG 112.

1929 5/- green and red on yellow in fine mint condition. SG 112.

NYASALAND - 1938 2/- purple and blue on blue mint.  SG 139.NYASALAND - 1938 2/- purple and blue on blue mint. SG 139.

1938 2/- purple and blue on blue in fine lightly mounted mint condition. SG 139.

NYASALAND - 1938 2/6d black and red on blue mint.  SG 140.NYASALAND - 1938 2/6d black and red on blue mint. SG 140.

1938 2/6d black and red on blue in fine lightly mounted mint condition. SG 140.

NYASALAND - 1938 5/- pale green and red on yellow mint.  SG 141.NYASALAND - 1938 5/- pale green and red on yellow mint. SG 141.

1938 5/- pale green and red on yellow in fine lightly mounted mint condition. SG 141.

NYASALAND - 1938 10/- emerald and deep red on pale green mint.  SG 142.NYASALAND - 1938 10/- emerald and deep red on pale green mint. SG 142.

1938 10/- emerald and deep red on pale green in fine lightly mounted mint condition. SG 142.

NYASALAND - 1945 20/- scarlet and black fine mint.  SG 157.NYASALAND - 1945 20/- scarlet and black fine mint. SG 157.

1945 20/- scarlet and black in fine mint condition. SG 157.

NYASALAND - 1940 censored cover to USA.NYASALAND - 1940 censored cover to USA.

1940 (NO.26.) cover addressed to USA (small piece of lower right corner missing) bearing 3d adhesive tied by BLANTYRE/NASALAND cds with black on white OPENED BY CENSOR label at right tied on the front by circular PASSED BY CENSOR/10 h/s. (Little type I).

NYASALAND - 1907 OHMS envelope reused to USA with 1d strip tied by BLANTYRE cancels.NYASALAND - 1907 OHMS envelope reused to USA with 1d strip tied by BLANTYRE cancels.

1907 (JY.19.) re-use of small sized OHMS envelope addressed to USA bearing a fine strip of three of the British Central Africa 1d adhesive (very light horizontal fold) tied by squared circle ZOMBA/ BCA cancels. CHINDE transit b/s.

NYASALAND - 1934 first flight cover to UK.NYASALAND - 1934 first flight cover to UK.

1934 (8.3.) illustrated first flight cover addressed to UK bearing 1/- adhesive tied by BLANTYRE cds with black boxed FIRST FLIGHT/REGULAR AIR MAIL SERVICE/NYASALAND-SOUTHERN RHODESIA h/s at left.

NYASALAND - 1935 (circa) cover to Bulawayo used on T.P.O.SOUTH/NYASALAND railway.NYASALAND - 1935 (circa) cover to Bulawayo used on T.P.O.SOUTH/NYASALAND railway.

1935 (circa) cover addressed to the General Manager of the B & M & R Railways at Bulawayo bearing 2d grey 'leopard' adhesive tied by light T.P.O.SOUTH/NYASALAND cds. (Proud type D7).
