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NATAL - 1903 1d carmine letter card uprated to USA from Durban with privately printed interior. H&G NATAL - 1903 1d carmine letter card uprated to USA from Durban with privately printed interior. H&G

1903 1d carmine on blue postal stationery letter card addressed to USA and bearing additional 1 1/2d adhesive tied DURBAN and dated MR.6.02. The card being pre-printed on reverse for 'Port Natal-As A Coaling Station' and with its interior having facts and figures for 'The Natal Navigation Collieries & Estate Co. Ltd'. A very unusual and exceptional use of this stationery. H&G 2.

NATAL - 1900 stampless Boer War cover to Bloemfontein cancelled NATAL - 1900 stampless Boer War cover to Bloemfontein cancelled 'VELD POST ZAR-INGAGANE'.

1900 (APR.14.) stampless cover addressed to Blomfontein (Den Heer) cancelled by violet oval VELD POST ZAR/INGAGNE cancel used during the Boers occupation of Natal. Hart typer M.M.3 and only recorded used in the month of April.

NATAL - 1885 1/2d brown postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK.  H&G 1.NATAL - 1885 1/2d brown postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK. H&G 1.

1885 1/2d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK with part NATAL cds and MIDDLEWICH '524' duplex arrival cancel dated SP.8.02. H&G 1.

NATAL - 1900 1/2d (x2) Transvaal adhesives on Boer War cover to Pretoria cancelled ELANDSLAAGTE.NATAL - 1900 1/2d (x2) Transvaal adhesives on Boer War cover to Pretoria cancelled ELANDSLAAGTE.

1900 (JAN.12.) use of somewhat fragile cover addressed to Pretoria bearing 1/2d green Transvaal adhesive pair tied by violet oval ELANDSLAAGTE handstamp with additional strike alongside both having 'Z.A.R.' deleted at bottom. Hart type M.M.3.2. A scarce Boer War usage during occupation.


1900 cover addressed to UK (a little grubby on reverse and smal edge faults) bearing Transvaal 1/2d (x3) and 1d adhesive each overprinted V.R.I. Tied in combination with GB QV 1d lilac by octagonal ARMY POST OFFICE/NATAL FIELD FORCE cancels. Sent from a soldier of the Imperial Yeomanry Field Hospital at Machadodorp and with ILFORD arrival b/s.

NATAL - 1902 1d rate internal UNCLAIMED handstamped commercial cover used at DUNDEE.NATAL - 1902 1d rate internal UNCLAIMED handstamped commercial cover used at DUNDEE.

1902 (SP.20.) commercial pre-printed cover addressed to Lady Smith bearing 1/2d adhesive pair tied DUNDEE/NATAL. The cover could not be delivered and was struck by scarce black boxed UNCLAIMED instructional strike. Marked 'Try Wakkenstroom' and with a host of delivery b/s's including FIELD POST OFFICE/BRITISH ARMY S.AFRICA '49' strike and RETURNED LETTER OFFICE/NATAL.

NATAL - 1911 1d rate postcard use to Australia used at HELPMAKAAR.NATAL - 1911 1d rate postcard use to Australia used at HELPMAKAAR.

1911 (SP.4.) use of picture postcard addressed to Australia depicting 'Bay Esplanade-Durban' (light staining) bearing 1d adhesive tied by HELPMAKAAR/NATAL cds with DUNDEE transit alongside.

NATAL - 1911 1/2d rate postcard used locally at HIMEVILLE.NATAL - 1911 1/2d rate postcard used locally at HIMEVILLE.

1911 (JA.20.) use of picture postcard addressed locally to Polela depicting a real photo of mountains bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by HIMEVILLE/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1910 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at BERGVILLE.NATAL - 1910 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at BERGVILLE.

1910 (MR.1) cover to Germany (light overall toned back) bearing 1/2d & 1d pair (SG 146+147) tied by d/r BERGVILLE/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1910 1d rate postcard to UK used at ESTCOURT.NATAL - 1910 1d rate postcard to UK used at ESTCOURT.

1910 (FE.20.) use of coloured picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Bay Esplanade-Durban' bearing 1d adhesive tied to picture side by ESTCOURT/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1910 1/2d rate local postcard used at LOUWSBURG.NATAL - 1910 1/2d rate local postcard used at LOUWSBURG.

1910 (NO.24) use of picture p'card addressed to the Cape & bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by LOUWSBURG/NATAL cds with rare GOBENI/NATAL transit cds below dated NO.28.10 with day slug inverted.

NATAL - 1910 1d rate local cover used at TABAMHLOPE.NATAL - 1910 1d rate local cover used at TABAMHLOPE.

1910 (SP.24.) cover addressed locally bearing 1d adhesive tied by TABAMHLOPE/NATAL cds with s/r HILTON ROAD ARRIVAL b/s.

NATAL - 1900 1d Transvaal adhesive on cover to Blomfontein struck VELD POST ZAR/INGAGNE.NATAL - 1900 1d Transvaal adhesive on cover to Blomfontein struck VELD POST ZAR/INGAGNE.

1900 (APR.14.) cover addressed to Blomfontein (Den Heer) bearing Transvaal 1d adhesive tied by scarce violet oval VELD POST ZAR/INGAGNE cancel used during the Boers occupation of Natal. Hart type M.M.3. and only recorded used in the month of April.

NATAL - 1895 6d and 1/- NATAL REVENUES on piece.NATAL - 1895 6d and 1/- NATAL REVENUES on piece.

1895 (JUL.3.) piece bearing 6d lilac and 1/- lilac and red NATAL REVENUE adhesives tied by violet oval REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE/NATAL. Barefoot 76+78.

NATAL - 1894 5/- and £1 (x2) NATAL REVENUES on piece.NATAL - 1894 5/- and £1 (x2) NATAL REVENUES on piece.

1894 (OCT.5.) piece bearing 5/- lilac and red and £1 lilac and blue (x2) NATAL REVENUE adhesives tied by violet oval REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE/NATAL. Barefoot 80+83.

NATAL - 1887 1/- (x4) NATAL REVENUE adhesives on piece.NATAL - 1887 1/- (x4) NATAL REVENUE adhesives on piece.

1887 (5.OCT.) piece bearing 1/- lilac and red (x4) NATAL REVENUE adhesives tied by violet oval REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE/NATAL. Barefoot 78.

NATAL - 1901 1d rate NATAL - 1901 1d rate 'ARMY POST OFFICE/NATAL FIELD FORCE' cover to UK.

1901 (OCT.24.) cover addressed to UK bearing GB QV 1d lilac adhesive tied by octagonal ARMY POST OFFICE/NATAL FIELD FORCE cancel of WAKERSTROOM.

NATAL - 1890 (circa) SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS NATAL - 1890 (circa) SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS 'baggage' label for MALENGE.

1890 (circa) black on white (T.1.) SOUTH AFRICA RAILWAYS 'baggage' label for MALENGE. An unusual official railway label applied to mail bags.

NATAL - 1889 5/- rose vertical pair struck by NATAL - 1889 5/- rose vertical pair struck by 'CUSTOM HOUSE/NATAL' h/s.

1889 5/- rose vertical pair cancelled by large part of the black crowned CUSTOM HOUSE/ NATAL SOUTH AFRICA revenue strike. SG 72.

NATAL - 1871 1/- rate cover to UK.NATAL - 1871 1/- rate cover to UK.

1871 (3.10.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/- green overprinted 'POSTAGE' in green tied by barred duplex with scarcer GPO/NATAL (Hart type J) cancel alongside.

NATAL - 1900 use of OHMS acknowledgement of war medal sheet used at KRANTZKOP.NATAL - 1900 use of OHMS acknowledgement of war medal sheet used at KRANTZKOP.

1900 (JU.28.) use of ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE acknowledgement sheet for a war medal for a trooper in the Natal Police pre-addressed to Government house in Cape Town. Cancelled by KRANTZKOP/NATAL cds with GREYTOWN and PIETERMARITZBURG transit b/s's.

NATAL - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK cancelled by NATAL - 1907 1d rate postcard use to UK cancelled by 'P.O.A./112' duplex.

1907 (DE.4) use of picture postcard to UK depicting 'Lower Tugela Drift, Natal' bearing 1d adhesive tied by P.O.A.112 cancel.

NATAL - 1907 1/2d rate postcard use to Durban cancelled by part TAUNTON ROAD cds.NATAL - 1907 1/2d rate postcard use to Durban cancelled by part TAUNTON ROAD cds.

1907 (FE.13) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Pritchard Street-Johannesburg' & bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by d/r TAUN(TON ROAD)/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1907 1/2d rate postcard use to Durban used at VAN REENEN.NATAL - 1907 1/2d rate postcard use to Durban used at VAN REENEN.

1907 (FE.1) use of postcard to Durban bearing 1/2d (SG 146) tied by d/r VAN REENEN/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1909 1d rate postcard use to UK used at NQUTU.NATAL - 1909 1d rate postcard use to UK used at NQUTU.

1909 (AP.3.) picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied by NQUTU/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1907 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at NOODSBERG ROAD.NATAL - 1907 2 1/2d rate cover to Germany used at NOODSBERG ROAD.

1907 (JU.1.) cover addressed to Germany bearing 1d and 1 1/2d adhesives tied NOODSBERG ROAD/NATAL.

NATAL - 1880 (circa) 1d (x2) on home made wrapper to USA used at DURBAN.NATAL - 1880 (circa) 1d (x2) on home made wrapper to USA used at DURBAN.

1880 (circa) homemade wrapper from cover addressed to USA bearing 1d pair tied DURBAN and dated MR.29. A scarce and unusual use.

NATAL - 1897 NATAL - 1897 'Half' on 1d rose (x5) cover to UK struck by '1' duplex's.

1897 (JU.5.) cover addressed to UK bearing five examples of the HALF on 1d rose (SG 125) cancelled by '1' duplex cancels.

NATAL - 1863 6d (SG type 6) NATAL - 1863 6d (SG type 6) 'Chalon' head IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF pair in pale pink.

1863 6d (SG type 6) 'Chalon Head' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF right marginal horizontal pair printed in pale pink on gummed paper. Light crease in left stamp. Scarce.

NATAL - 1863 6d pale pink NATAL - 1863 6d pale pink 'chalon' head mint. SG 23.

1863 6d pale pink 'chalon head' (SG type 6) in fine mint condition on CROWN CC watermarked paper with perforation 12 1/2. SG 23.

NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSC addressed locally used at UNTUNJAMBILI/NATAL.  H&G 11a.NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSC addressed locally used at UNTUNJAMBILI/NATAL. H&G 11a.

1902 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed locally with three illustrations pre-printed on reverse side (Durban/Jinricksha/The Bluff) cancelled by UNTUNJAMBILI/NATAL cds dated SP.30.04 and with KRANTKOP transit cds at left. H&G 11a.

NATAL - 1910 1d rate grubby postcard to UK from DURBAN struck POSTED LATE.NATAL - 1910 1d rate grubby postcard to UK from DURBAN struck POSTED LATE.

1910 (OC.23.) use of rather grubby postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Natives Smoking' bearing 1d adhesive tied DURBAN/NATAL and struck at left by scarce POSTED LATE h/s.

NATAL - 1867 1d rate local cover used at PIETERMARITZBURG.NATAL - 1867 1d rate local cover used at PIETERMARITZBURG.

1867 (JAN.11.) cover addressed locally bearing 1d rose 'chalon head' cancelled by '1' duplex with crowned d/r PIETERMARITZBURG cds at left. Unfortunaate horizontal fold at top which runs through the top of the adhesive and small piece of reverse flap missing.

NATAL - 1871 1d NATAL - 1871 1d 'Postage/Postage' rate local cover.

1871 (20.10.) cover addressed locally to Richmond (diagonal crease and small wax seal removed from reverse flap) bearing 1d bright red 'Postage/Postage' adhesive (SG 60) tied by barred '1' duplex with GPO/NATAL cds alongside.

NATAL - 1889 6 1/2d rate cover to USA used at DUFFS ROAD.NATAL - 1889 6 1/2d rate cover to USA used at DUFFS ROAD.

1889 (JY.24.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d and 6d adhesives (SG 97+103) tied by DUFFS ROAD/NATAL cds with DURBAN transit strike below.

NATAL - 1899 1d rate cover to UK used at UMGENI/NATAL.NATAL - 1899 1d rate cover to UK used at UMGENI/NATAL.

1899 (AU.8.) cover addressed to UK bearing 1/2d green pair tied by UMGENI/NATAL cds

NATAL - 1885 NATAL - 1885 'One Half Penny' overprint on 1d rose used at DURBAN with INVERTED OVERPRINT. SG 104.

1885 'ONE HALF PENNY' surcharge on 1d rose cancelled DURBAN with major error OVERPRINT INVERTED. Unlisted and sold 'as is'. SG 104.

NATAL - 1877 6d NATAL - 1877 6d 'POSTAGE' overprint cover (faults) to UK.

1877 cover addressed to UK (faults) bearing 6d violet overprinted POSTAGE tied by smudged duplex with WARRINGTON arrival cds on front dated JA.4.78.

NATAL - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at P.O.A./3.NATAL - 1901 1d rate cover to UK used at P.O.A./3.

1901 (APR.13.) cover addressed to UK bearing 'QV' 1/2d green pair tied by 'P.O.A./3' agency cancel attributed to Russel Street in Durban at this dating and with DURBAN/NATAL transit b/s.

NATAL - 1877 6d rate cover to UK cancelled by NATAL - 1877 6d rate cover to UK cancelled by '1' duplex's.

1877 (6.7.) neat cover addressed to UK bearing 6d violet overprinted POSTAGE (SG 55) tied by two '1' duplex cancels with GPO/NATAL cds at lower left.

NATAL - 1900 1d rate cover to Bloemfontein used at INGAGANE during the Boer occupation of Natal.NATAL - 1900 1d rate cover to Bloemfontein used at INGAGANE during the Boer occupation of Natal.

1900 (APR.14.) cover addressed to Bloemfontein bearing Transvaal 1/2d green (x2) each tied by the rare violet oval VELD POST ZAR/INGAGANE cancels used during the Boer Occupation of Natal. Hart type MM3.3. and only known used in this month of April.

NATAL - 1902 1d rate NATAL - 1902 1d rate 'soldiers' envelope to UK used at INGOGO RAIL/NATAL.

1902 (JA.24.) 'Soldiers 1d rate' cover addressed to UK bearing QV 1d adhesive tied INGOGO RAIL/NATAL. A nice Boer War use.

NATAL - 1861 6d NATAL - 1861 6d 'Chalon Head' IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF vertical pair in black.

1861-62 6d imperforate 'Chalon Head' DIE PROOF (SG type 6) vertical marginal pair printed in black on thick white card. Lower proof with surface scuff but still a scarce pair.

NATAL - 1904 11d rate NATAL - 1904 11d rate 'P.O.A.51' duplex cover to Germany used at PINETOWN.

1904 (APR.16.) cover addressed to Germany sent by the Trappist Monastery at Marian Hill bearing QV 4d brown alongside Edward VII 1/2d pair and 6d adhesives tied by P.O.A.51 duplex's with PINETOWN b/s.

NATAL - 1874 1d rate local cover used at GPO/NATAL.NATAL - 1874 1d rate local cover used at GPO/NATAL.

1874 (24.4.) cover addressed locally to Riemeyers bearing 1d dull rose (SG 66) tied by GPO/NATAL cds. A lovely early use of this stamp on cover.

NATAL - 1895 NATAL - 1895 'ONE HALF PENNY RECEIVED IN MONEY' local cover from the postage shortage period.

1895 (MR.22.) stampless cover addressed locally marked 'One Half Penny received in money' signed below and with POSTMASTER OF DURBAN h/s applied in violet applied during the postage shortage and cancelled by d/r DURBAN/NATAL cds. Some light tone spots on front and rather heavier on reverse. Pen annotation on reverse re. shortage.

NATAL - 1884 1d lilac NATAL - 1884 1d lilac 'REVENUE' fine mint.

1884 1d lilac headed 'NATAL REVENUE' in fine mint condition with overall light toned gum on 'CA' watermarked paper. Barefoot and Hall 74.

NATAL - 1906 use of NATAL - 1906 use of 'DEED OF TRANSFER' document bearing 6d and 5/-(perfined) adhesives.

1906 (DEC.14.) use of 'Deed of Transfer' document for the sub division of land of the Groene Klof Farm at Pietermaritzburg with 6d and 5/- adhesives (SG 135+140) each perfined and paying duty tied by violet oval REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE/NATAL rubber handstamp.

NATAL - 1904 use of NATAL - 1904 use of 'DEED OF TRANSFER' document bearing 5/- and 10/-(perfined) adhesives.

1904 (AUG.25.) use of 'Deed Of Transfer' document for the sub division of land to the Duikerfontein Farm with 5/- ad 10/- adhesives (SG 140+141) each perfined paying duty and tied by violet oval REGISTRY OF DEEDS OFFICE/NATAL rubber handstamps.

NATAL - 1879 6d rate NATAL - 1879 6d rate 'POSTAGE' overprint cover to USA.

1879 (SP.10.) cover addressed to UK (roughly opened at right edge on reverse side) bearing 3d bright blue adhesive overprinted POSTAGE in red (SG 67) tied by '1' duplex with GPO/ NATAL cds alongside. These issues not often seen on cover.

NATAL - 1896 6 1/2d registered cover to USA used at PINE TOWN from Trappist Mission at Mariannhill.NATAL - 1896 6 1/2d registered cover to USA used at PINE TOWN from Trappist Mission at Mariannhill.

1896 (MY.15.) registered cover to USA bearing 2d pair and 2 1/2d adhesives (SG 106 + 113) tied by PINE TOWN/NATAL cds's. Sent from the Trappist Mission at Mariannhill.

NATAL - 1903 9d rate registered cover to Tasmania.NATAL - 1903 9d rate registered cover to Tasmania.

1903 (AU.15.) registered cover to Tasmania (scarce) bearing 4d and 5d adhesives (SG 133+134) tied by REGISTERED/NATAL cds. HOBART arrival b/s. Scarce issues on cover making a 9d rate.

NATAL - 1871 1d rate local cover used at Durban.NATAL - 1871 1d rate local cover used at Durban.

1871 (OCT.27.) cover addressed locally to Pine Town bearing 1d bright red overprinted POSTAGE/POSTAGE (SG 60 ) tied by '2' numeral duplex with DURBAN/NATAL crown cds alongside.

NATAL - 1902 5d rate cover to USA used at MOUNT EDGECOMBE and struck in violet ink.NATAL - 1902 5d rate cover to USA used at MOUNT EDGECOMBE and struck in violet ink.

1902 (OC.1.) cover addressed to USA bearing 'QV' 1d (x5) tied by MOUNT EDGECOMBE/NATAL cds struck in 'violet' ink with 'P' coding. Edge faults and struck by black two lined RECEIVED IN/ THIS CONDITION.

NATAL - 1874 1d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF block of four struck CANCELLED.NATAL - 1874 1d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF block of four struck CANCELLED.

1874-78 1d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF block of four printed in dull rose and overprinted CANCELLED in black. SG type 12.

NATAL - 1902 1/2d green PSC to Johannesburg struck NATAL - 1902 1/2d green PSC to Johannesburg struck 'NULLO'. H&G 10.

1902 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard addressed to Johannesburg. The card remained uncancelled but is struck by boxed 'NULLO' h/s in black. JOHANNESBURG arrival which presumably b/s dated 3.MAY.03. Unusual item meaning 'zero' in Afrikaans. H&G 10.

NATAL - 1902 1/2d green PSE used locally at PIETERMARITZBURG.  H&G 3.NATAL - 1902 1/2d green PSE used locally at PIETERMARITZBURG. H&G 3.

1902 1/2d green on cream postal stationery envelope with tongued flap addressed locally and cancelled by PIETERMARITZBURG/NATAL cds dated JU.27.10. H&G 3.

NATAL - 1894 1/2d brown PSC used locally at ENNERSDALE.  H&G 9.NATAL - 1894 1/2d brown PSC used locally at ENNERSDALE. H&G 9.

1894 1/2d brown on buff postal stationery card (penny deleted with bar) addressed locally and cancelled by ENNERSDALE/NATAL cds dated FE.28.94. H&G 9.

NATAL - 1895 1d carmine PSC to Germany used at THORNVILLE JUNCTION.  H&G 2.NATAL - 1895 1d carmine PSC to Germany used at THORNVILLE JUNCTION. H&G 2.

1895 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany cancelled by d/r THORNVILLE JUNCTION cds dated AU.9.98. H&G 2.

NATAL - 1900 NATAL - 1900 'No Stamps Available' cover to UK used at CHIEVELEY.

1900 (FE.23) use of stampless cover marked 'No Stamps Available' & cancelled by d/r CHIEVELEY/NATAL cds. Taxed with circular 'T' tax marking but then deleted with blocked strike.

NATAL - 1904 1d rate postcard use to Ireland used at BERGVILLE.NATAL - 1904 1d rate postcard use to Ireland used at BERGVILLE.

1904 (NO.16.) use of picture postcard addressed to Ireland depicting 'Umgeni River-Natal' bearing 1d adhesive tied BERGVILLE.

NATAL - 1905 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WESTNATAL - 1905 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WEST's BLUFF.

1905 (JA.21.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied WEST's BLUFF.

NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at SEA VIEW.NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at SEA VIEW.

1906 (AU.11.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Park-Durban' bearing 1d adhesive tied SEA VIEW.

NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WILLOW GRANGE.NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at WILLOW GRANGE.

1906 (JY.14.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Buffalo River-Estcourt' bearing 1d adhesive tied WILLOW GRANGE.

NATAL - 1907 1d rate cover used locally at TABAMHLOPE.NATAL - 1907 1d rate cover used locally at TABAMHLOPE.

1907 (MY.4.) cover addressed locally to Hilton (a little aged and torn reverse flap) bearing 1d adhesive tied TABAMHLOPE/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1859 1d NATAL - 1859 1d 'IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF' printed in dull rose.

1859 1d IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF (SG type 6) printed in the issued colour of dull rose on ungummed unwatermarked paper cut close at bottom left corner.

NATAL - 1910 1/2d rate postcard use to Vryheid used at LOUWSBURG and sent via GOBENI.NATAL - 1910 1/2d rate postcard use to Vryheid used at LOUWSBURG and sent via GOBENI.

1910 (NO.24.) postcard use to Vryheid depicting 'Zulu Picaninnies' bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied LOUWSBURG and with scarcer GOBENI transit cds alongside.

NATAL - 1900 1d carmine postal stationery letter card uprated to Germany at NOODSBERG ROAD. H&G 1.NATAL - 1900 1d carmine postal stationery letter card uprated to Germany at NOODSBERG ROAD. H&G 1.

1900 1d carmine on blue postal stationery letter card addressed to Germany (genuine use) bearing additional 1 1/2d adhesive of Edward VII tied NOODSBERG ROAD cds dated 14.FE.03. H&G 1.

NATAL - 1899 1d rate NATAL - 1899 1d rate 'VELDPOST Z.A.R./GLENCOE' cover to Johannesburg.

1899 (DE.18.) cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing Transvaal 1d adhesive tied by violet three lined VELDPOST Z.A.R./GLENCOE handstamp. Hart type MM4.4 in use for just two months during the Boers occupation of Natal.

NATAL - 1885 1/2d brown postal stationery wrapper uprated to Germany at DURBAN.  H&G 1.NATAL - 1885 1/2d brown postal stationery wrapper uprated to Germany at DURBAN. H&G 1.

1885 1/2d brown on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to Germany bearing additional Edward VII 1/2d pair tied by DURBAN/NATAL cds dated SP.10.10. A nice uprated piece of stationery. H&G 1.

NATAL - 1908 1/2d rate local postcard use used at MOGUNTIA.NATAL - 1908 1/2d rate local postcard use used at MOGUNTIA.

19087 (27.FE.) use of picture postcard addressed locally to Harrismith bearing 1/2d green adhesive tied by scarce s/r MOGUNTIA/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1911 1/2d rate local postcard use used at GOBENI.NATAL - 1911 1/2d rate local postcard use used at GOBENI.

1911 (SP.1.) use of picture postcard addressed locally depicting 'Lower Torrent Falls, Dolgelly' (surface faults) but bearing 1/2d adhesive on reverse tied by rare GOBENI/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1879 8d rate cover to USA cancelled NATAL - 1879 8d rate cover to USA cancelled '4' at Umhlali.

1879 cover to USA bearing 1d dull rose pair (SG 66) one with corner fault tied in combination with 6d violet (SG 83) ovpt'd POSTAGE by black '4' duplex of Umhlali with the rare (Hart type L1) NO./4/P.O./NATAL cds below. Backstamped by DURBAN/NATAL (Hart type K1) dated 14.4.9. New York arrival PAID ALL cancel. A rare early cover.

NATAL - 1878 6d rate cover to UK used at GPO/NATAL.NATAL - 1878 6d rate cover to UK used at GPO/NATAL.

1878 (12.7.) cover addressed to UK marked 'Per H.M.S. Natal' in manuscript and bearing 6d violet chalon head adhesive tied by '1' duplex with GPO/NATAL cds below.

NATAL - 1870  3d bright blue in fine mint. SG 61.
NATAL - 1870 3d bright blue in fine mint. SG 61.

1870-73 3d bright blue in fine mint condition. SG 61.

NATAL - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Austria used at MAPUMULO.  H&G 7.NATAL - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Austria used at MAPUMULO. H&G 7.

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Austria cancelled by MAPUMULO/NATAL cds dated DE.23.08. H&G 7.

NATAL - 1903 St.Helena postcard marked NATAL - 1903 St.Helena postcard marked '1d Late Fee' used at PIETERMARITZBURG.

1903 (JY.26.) use of picture postcard (some light tone spots) addressed to UK depicting 'Boer Camp-St.Helena' but bearing Natal 1d pair tied PIETERMARITZBURG/NATAL. The card with '1d-Late Fee' manuscript annotation applied at top left.

NATAL - 1881 3d pale red NATAL - 1881 3d pale red 'NATAL TELEGRAPHS' adhesive mint.

1881 3d pale red 'NATAL TELEGRAPHS' adhesive in fine mint condition.

NATAL - 1881 6d rate commercial cover to UK used at NEWCASTLE/NATAL.NATAL - 1881 6d rate commercial cover to UK used at NEWCASTLE/NATAL.

1881 (10.4.) commercial cover addressed to UK bearing 6d adhesive tied NEWCASTLE/NATAL.

NATAL - 1866 2d rate local cover used at PIETERMARITZBURG. NATAL - 1866 2d rate local cover used at PIETERMARITZBURG.

1866 (NOV.22.) cover addressed locally to Maritzburg bearing a vertical pair of the 1d bright red 'chalon head' adhesive (SG 22) tied by '1' duplex's with crowned d/r PIETERMARITZBURG proving cds at left. A little crumpled at left and with some light glue type markings on reverse.

NATAL - 1886 5/- (x2) and £1 (x3) REVENUES on piece used at MAGISTRATES OFFICE/DURBAN.NATAL - 1886 5/- (x2) and £1 (x3) REVENUES on piece used at MAGISTRATES OFFICE/DURBAN.

1886 5/- lilac and red (x2) and £1 green (x3) NATAL REVENUE issues tied to piece by violet oval MAGISTRATES OFFICE/DURBAN cds's dated 30.JAN.1903. Noted by SG in the footnote but no longer listed.

NATAL - 1911 NATAL - 1911 'Inter-Provincial' use of Transvaal 1d on local cover to Pretoria used at ROSETTA.

1911 (JA.13.) cover addressed to Lady Methuens at 'H.Q.H.' in the Roberts Heights of Pretoria bearing Transvaal 1d (SG 274) tied ROSETTA/NATAL.

NATAL - 1912 NATAL - 1912 'Inter-Provincial' use of Transvaal adhesive on registered cover to USA at IXOPO.

1912 (MR.29.) registered cover addressed to USA bearing Transvaal 1d, 2d and 6d adhesives tied IXOPO/NATAL. A scarce Inter-Provincial use.

NATAL - 1911 use of 1/2d green PSC of Transvaal (H&G 11) tied P.O.A.36NATAL - 1911 use of 1/2d green PSC of Transvaal (H&G 11) tied P.O.A.36' with MARIANNHILL at left.

1911 (FE.25.) use of 1/2d green postal stationery postcard of Transvaal (H&G 11) cancelled by 'P.O.A. 36' with MARIANNHILL strike alongside and PINETOWN/NATAL arrival cds. Inter-Provincial usage.

NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at HATTINGSPRUIT.NATAL - 1906 1d rate postcard use to UK used at HATTINGSPRUIT.

1906 (NO.21.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'The Summit Of Devil Peak- Cape Town' bearing 1/2d pair tied by scarce HATTINGSPRUIT/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1901 1d rate NATAL - 1901 1d rate 'Soldiers Letter' to Cape used at ACTON HOMES with PASSED/P.E./CENSOR h/s.

1901 (DE.21) cover to 'P.O.62' in Craddock in the Cape endorsed from 'G.Carl/14th Hassars' bearing 'QV' 1d adhesive tied by ACTON HOMES/NATAL cds & with violet two ringed PASSED/P.E./CENSOR h/s at left. A nice 'Soldiers Letter' used during the Boer War.

NATAL - 1891 1d+1d carmine PSRC unused at handstamped SPECIMEN.  H&G 6.NATAL - 1891 1d+1d carmine PSRC unused at handstamped SPECIMEN. H&G 6.

1891-93 1d+1d carmine on buff postal stationery reply type postcard showing 'Natal' below crown (size b) in unused condition and handstamped SPECIMEN in violet. H&G 6.

NATAL - 1885 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper uprated to Germany used at WARTBURG.  H&G 2.NATAL - 1885 1d carmine postal stationery wrapper uprated to Germany used at WARTBURG. H&G 2.

1885 1d carmine on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to Germany bearing additional 1d adhesive tied by WARTBURG/NATAL cds dated JU.17.1899. H&G 2.

NATAL - 1883 1d rate local cover used at STAMFORD HILL.NATAL - 1883 1d rate local cover used at STAMFORD HILL.

1883 (JU.29.) cover addressed locally to Maritburg bearing 1d adhesive tied by STAMFORD HILL/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1909 1/2d rate local postcard used at CURRYS POST/NATAL.NATAL - 1909 1/2d rate local postcard used at CURRYS POST/NATAL.

1909 (FE.22.) use of picture postcard addressed locally (some very light tone marks) depicting 'The Court House-Eshowe' bearing 1/2d adhesive tied by s/r CURRYS POST/NATAL cds.

NATAL - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Tanga cancelled NATAL - 1893 1d carmine PSC to Tanga cancelled 'P.O.A.3' at P.O.Sunkelsdrift. H&G 7.

1893 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Tanga in the German East Africa cancelled by 'P.O.A.3' strike applied at P.O.Sunkelsdrift. PAUL PIETERSBERG and VRYHEID transit cds's. H&G 7.

NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSC to Germany cancelled NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSC to Germany cancelled 'P.O.A.3' at P.O.Sunkelsdrift. H&G 11.

1902 1d carmine on buff postal stationery postcard addressed to Germany struck by 'P.O.A.3' strike of P.O.Sunkelsdrift. PAUL PIETERSBERG and LADYSMITH transit cds's at left. H&G 11.

NATAL - 1859 1d FOURNIER PROOF struck FAUX in black.NATAL - 1859 1d FOURNIER PROOF struck FAUX in black.

1859 1d (SG type 6) 'Fournier' PROOF forgery printed in red on cream paper and handstamped FAUX.

NATAL - 1902 1/2d green postal wrapper use to UK struck by NATAL - 1902 1/2d green postal wrapper use to UK struck by 'DN' (Durban) parcel strike. H&G 3.

1902 1/2d green on buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to UK cancelled by scarce 'DN' parcel cancel (Hart type P2) used at Durban. The 'N' with defective right leg. H&G 3.

NATAL - 1910 1d rate postcard use to UK from DURBAN struck NATAL - 1910 1d rate postcard use to UK from DURBAN struck 'POSTED LATE'.

1910 (OC.16.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied DURBAN/NATAL and struck at left by scarce POSTED LATE handstamp.

NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSE to Germany used at DUMISA.  H&G 4.NATAL - 1902 1d carmine PSE to Germany used at DUMISA. H&G 4.

1902 1d carmine on thick cream laid paper postal stationery envelope addressed to Germany cancelled by DUMISA/NATAL cds dated JU.11.10 with violet boxed FRIEDENAU/DUMISA P.O./NATAL b/s. H&G 4.

NATAL - 1901 1d carmine PSE used locally at ENNERSDALE and struck in NATAL - 1901 1d carmine PSE used locally at ENNERSDALE and struck in 'violet' ink. H&G 2.

1901 1d carmine on thick cream laid paper postal stationery envelope addressed locally (light overall toned reverse) cancelled by ENNERSDALE/NATAL cds struck in violet ink dated MY.30.01. H&G 2.

NATAL - 1894 underpaid cover to Cape Town with NATAL - 1894 underpaid cover to Cape Town with '4d' tax mark.

1894 cover addressed to Cape Town bearing 2d adhesive tied by '1' duplex with GPO/NATAL b/s dated AP.25.94 and with MOWBRAY arrival alongside. The cover was underpaid and is struck on the front by scarce circular '4d' tax mark.

NATAL - 1900 NATAL - 1900 'Army Form C.398' envelope to UK with 1d tied FIELD POST OFFICE.

1900 (FE.11.) use of 'Army Form C.398' envelope addressed to UK bearing Natal 1d adhesive tied by FIELD POST OFFICE/BRITISH ARMY'S AFRICA cds. Used during the Boer War.

NATAL - 1905 1/2d rate Christmas Day use of postcard used at NORTH DENE.NATAL - 1905 1/2d rate Christmas Day use of postcard used at NORTH DENE.

1905 (DE.25) use of picture postcard to Johannesburg depicting a real photo of a house & bearing Natal 1/2d adhesive tied NORTH DENE/NATAL with Durban transit & Cleveland arrival cds's. Scarcer use on Christmas Day!
