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FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' set used on first day of issue to India on 'FORMULA' RPSE.

1935 (MY.7.) first day use of the 'Silver Jubilee' series (SG 139-42) each tied to scarce red on buff 'FORMULA' registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to India by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLAND cds's.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1920 registered cover to UK bearing 1/2d, 1d and 1/- FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1920 registered cover to UK bearing 1/2d, 1d and 1/- 'War Stamp' adhesives.

1920 (JY.14.) registered cover to UK (addressee inked out) bearing 1/2d, 1d and 1/- 'War Stamp' adhesives tied FALKLAND/ISLANDS.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1921-28 2 1/2d FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1921-28 2 1/2d 'Prussian Blue' fine mint with RPS certificate.

1921-28 2 1/2d 'Prussian Blue' variant on script 'CA' watermarked paper in very fine mint condition with 1967 RPS certificate stating genuine. Ex SG 110 when previously listed. Ex Ritchie Bodily.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1921-28 6 mint shades of the 2 1/2d (3 with certificates). SG 76/76b.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1921-28 6 mint shades of the 2 1/2d (3 with certificates). SG 76/76b.

1921-28 2 1/2d shade range. 1921 deep blue, 1927 indigo and 1928 deep steel blue in fine mint condition. Also three additional shades two with 1954 certificates one stating dark blue is a shade of SG 63 which was formerly indigo and a copy stating steal blue similarly a shade of SG 63 plus an example with 1986 certificate stating that it is not the Prussian Blue (SG 110) but SG 109. 6 stamps. SG 76/76b.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1945 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1945 'Army Form W.3077' air letter for FALKLAND ISLANDS in unused condition.

1945 dark blue on grey 'Army Form W.3077' overprinted at top edge FALKLAND ISLANDS AND DEPENDENCIES in fine unused condition. This being the larger overprint issue. A very scarce piece of stationery unused.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 multi franked FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 multi franked 'Discovery Expedition' local cover used at SOUTH GEORGIA.

1925 (JU.12.) cover addressed to Harrison Mathews on the 'Discovery Expedition' in South Georgia bearing 1/2d to 5/- adhesives (ex 2 1/2d) each tied by neat SOUTH GEORGIA cds's with code 'C' slugs. The cover being opened on 1 and half sides. SG Z22,23,24,26,27,28 and 29b. Very high catalogue value of these top 3/- and 5/- adhesives used at South Georgia with the latter being the scarce maroon shade. A rare expedition cover.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 1d orange-vermilion FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 1d orange-vermilion 'War Stamp' mint block of 30. SG 71c.

1919 1d orange-vermilion (comb perf) fine mint block of 30 from the bottom of the sheet (small piece of official backing tissue still adhered to right margin) showing various 'WAR STAMP' overprint varieties including the BROKEN W IN WAR on stamp number 55. SG 71c.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1947 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1947 'UPU' congress folder.

1947 'Congress Postal Universel Paris' red and gold official folder with definitive values to 10/- and with Victory pair affixed inside together with some Dependencies. Given to delegates attending the congress. Some surface scruffs and edge faults as usual with these folders. 300 were originally produced.


1937 range of 'Edward VIII' PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOFS of the proposed pictorial series with 1/-, 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- and £1 values. The Edward head essays are rarely seen. 5 items.


1938 range of 'KGVI' PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS of the proposed pictorial series with 1/2d, 1d, 2d, 2 1/2d, 4d, 6d and 1/- values. 7 items.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1943 censored FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1943 censored 'On Active Service' cover to UK cancelled OFFICIAL PAID.

1943 stampless cover to UK marked 'On Active Service' addressed to Mrs J.Robinson in Leeds' cancelled by red OFFICIAL PAID wany line strike and with violet circular crowned PASSED BY CENSOR/No.4428 strike below. Ex reverse flap as usual from this noted correspondence sent through the Stanley Military Censor.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1955 5d rate PAQUEBOT cover to USA cancelled in Cape Verde.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1955 5d rate PAQUEBOT cover to USA cancelled in Cape Verde.

1955 (27.4.) cover addressed to USA bearing 'KGVI' 1d and 4d adhesives tied by CORREIOS/ S.VINCENT C.VERDE cancels and marked PAQUEBOT at left in red crayon. Unusual use.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1/- FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1/- 'War Stamp' U/M pair showing WIDE SPACING. SG 72a.

1918 1/- pale bistre brown 'War Stamp' unmounted mint pair with one stamp showing the WIDE SPACING between war and stamp on stamp 15. SG 72a.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1936 8d rate registered FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1936 8d rate registered 'Silver Jubilee' cover to UK used at FOX BAY.

1936 (SP.27.) registered cover to UK bearing 4d (x2) 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives (SG 141) tied by FOX BAY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds's.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1949 5d rate FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1949 5d rate 'TELEGRAM' envelope use to South Georgia.

1949 (MR.7.) use of pre-prined TELEGRAM envelope addressed locally and bearing 2 1/2d pair Dependencies 'UPU' adhesives tied by FALKLAND ISLANDS/SOUTH GEORGIA/DEPENDENCY cds's. Some surface creasing but an unusual and scarce item.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1953 6d rate FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1953 6d rate 'GOVERNMENT AIR SERVICE' first flight cover.

1952 (FE.13) cover addressed locally & bearing 'KGVI' 6d adhesive tied by FOX BAY/FALAND ISLANDS cds & struck at left by violet three lined FLOWN BY/FALKLAND ISLANDS/GOVERNMENT AIR SERVICE cachet.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1952 inward FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1952 inward 'AQUILA AIRWAYS' first flight cover.

1952 inward illustrated AQUILA AIRWAYS/FLYING BOAT special survey flight first flight cover from UK backstamped by PORT STANLEY/FIRST OVERSEAS MAIL cancel dated April 28th. (Heijtz type PS.4v1).

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1989 10p rate local cover sent from FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1989 10p rate local cover sent from 'Cable and Wireless' at Stanley.

1989 use of long manila envelope addressed to Stanley bearing 10p 'ship' adhesive tied PORT STANLEY and struck below by violet oval CABLE & WIRELESS LTD/FALKLAND ISLANDS h/s.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1975 use of FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1975 use of 'CABLE AND WIRELESS' telegram envelope to Stanley.

1975 (FEB.7.) use of black on buff POST OFFICETELEGRAM/NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY envelope addressed to Stanley cancelled by violet oval CABLE & WIRELESS LTD/FALKLAND ISLANDS h/s.


1975 (DEC.5.) use of blue on white CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED telegram receipt cancelled by oval CABLE & WIRELESS LTD/FALKLAND ISLANDS.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1/2d (line perf) mint block of six overprinted WAR STAMP.  SG 70.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1/2d (line perf) mint block of six overprinted WAR STAMP. SG 70.

1918 1/2d deep olive green (line perf) adhesive in a fine mint bottom right block of six overprinted WAR STAMP showing the first printing without 'W' flaw. SG 70.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1d vermilion (line perf) mint block of six overprinted WAR STAMP.  SG 71.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1918 1d vermilion (line perf) mint block of six overprinted WAR STAMP. SG 71.

1918 1d vermilion (line perf) adhesive in a fine mint bottom right block of six overprinted WAR STAMP showing the first printing without 'W' flaw. SG 71.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 registered cover to UK (tone spotted) with 1/2d to 1/- FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 registered cover to UK (tone spotted) with 1/2d to 1/- 'War Stamp' use.

1919 (DE.18.) registered 'Ewen' cover (some tone spotting) addressed to UK bearing the 1/2d, 1d and 1/- 'War Stamp' adhesives alongside additional 2d tied FALKLAND ISLANDS.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1914 1d rate postcard use to USA used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1914 1d rate postcard use to USA used at PORT STANLEY.

1914 (OCT.21.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Herring Fishing, Port Stanley' (a scarcer card) bearing 1d vermilion tied PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 2 1/2d deep blue mint with FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1919 2 1/2d deep blue mint with 'SWAN NECKED 2' variety. SG 63c.

1919 2 1/2d deep blue in fine mint condition showing the SWAN NECKED 2 variety from Row 6/1. SG 63c.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 1d rate local cover to Roy Cove used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 1d rate local cover to Roy Cove used at PORT STANLEY.

1929 (AP.7.) local cover addressed to Roy Cove bearing 1d adhesive tied by PORT STANLEY/ FALKLAND ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1923 2 1/2d deep purple on pale yellow mint pair with SWAN NECKED 2 variety. SG 7FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1923 2 1/2d deep purple on pale yellow mint pair with SWAN NECKED 2 variety. SG 7

1923 2 1/2d deep purple on pale yellow 'script CA' adhesive mint pair showing the SWAN NECKED 2 variety from Row 6/1. The gum with brown affects from being PVA and with natural gum creases. An elusive variety on this shade. SG 77.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1934 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1934 'Battle Of Falkland Islands' commemoration cover.

1934 (DE.8.) 'Battle Of The Falkland Islands' illustrated cover bearing 2 1/2d 'whale and penguin' adhesive tied PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS. 75 covers were produced and all cancelled to order without addresses with the illustration being applied on receipt. Those having an address were added afterwards as these were not actually posted. Being 'un-addressed' is the correct way it should be collected. This example showing the scarce 'Britian for Britain' spelling error. Again correctly struck on the reverse 'International Historical Cover Committee'. Not often seen.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1935 'Silver Jubilee' use of blue 'FORMULA' type RPSE to UK.

1935 (DE.31.) 'last day of use' of 1d, 2 1/2d and 4d 'Silver Jubilee' adhesives on scarce blue on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope address in pencil to UK. A philatelic usage but scarce.


1982 5p 'Tussock Bird' (SG 433) in a fine mint marginal IMPERFORATE PROOF with two red lines running horizontal thorough adhesive. Ex printers waste and mentioned in the SG footnote.


1982 13p 'Grass Wren' (SG 435) in a fine mint IMPERFORATE PROOF single. Ex printers waste and mentioned in the SG footnote.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1937 6 1/2d rated registered FORMULA stationery envelope addressed to USA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1937 6 1/2d rated registered FORMULA stationery envelope addressed to USA.

1937 (OC.22.) use of orange-red on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA bearing 'Coronation' trio plus additional 2 1/2d tied by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. A scarce formula stationery use.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1987 1p to £3 definitives on KING EDWARD/SOUTH GEORGIA unaddressed cover.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1987 1p to £3 definitives on KING EDWARD/SOUTH GEORGIA unaddressed cover.

1987 (FE.20.) larger un-addressed cover bearing the complete series of 'Dependencies' definitives (1p to £3) cancelled by KING EDWARD POINT/SOUTH GEORGIA cds's with 'seal' KING EDWARD POINT cachet on reverse. This set of 15 issued over a number of years.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 3 1/2d rate use of OHMS cover to USA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 3 1/2d rate use of OHMS cover to USA.

1925 (FE.4.) use of manila OHMS cover addressed to USA bearing 1d and 2 1/2d adhesives tied by FALKLAND ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1909 1d rate postcard use to India.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1909 1d rate postcard use to India.

1909 (AU.10.) use of Chilean postcard addressed to India (unusual) bearing 1d adhesive tied FALKLAND ISLANDS. CHAPERATA arrival cds alongside.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1909 1d rate postcard use to India.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1909 1d rate postcard use to India.

1909 (AU.10.) use of Chilean postcard addressed to India (unusual) bearing 1d adhesive tied FALKLAND ISLANDS. CHAPERATA arrival cds alongside.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1941 multi franked use of the scarce FORMULA red on cream RPSE to USA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1941 multi franked use of the scarce FORMULA red on cream RPSE to USA.

1941 (SP.10.) use of red on cream FORMULA registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA and sent un-censored. Bears KGVI short set to 4d tied PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS. A scarce use of this stationery.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1944 (circa) 3d rate cover to USA with OPENED BY CENSOR label applied.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1944 (circa) 3d rate cover to USA with OPENED BY CENSOR label applied.

1944 (circa) cover to USA bearing 3d adhesive tied by very weak PORT STANLEY cds but with scarce OPENED BY CENSOR label at left edge.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 1d brick red unused postal stationery letter card.  H&G 1.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 1d brick red unused postal stationery letter card. H&G 1.

1912 1d Brick red on blue postal stationery letter card in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2 1/2d deep blue fine mint.  SG 46b.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2 1/2d deep blue fine mint. SG 46b.

1912 2 1/2d deep blue in fine mint condition. SG 46b.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1916 1d red PSE (fault) to Government House.  H&G 3.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1916 1d red PSE (fault) to Government House. H&G 3.

1916 1d red on cream postal stationery envelope (top edge tear and with top right corner glued) but interestingly addressed to the secretary at Government House and cancelled by d/r FALKLAND ISLANDS cds dated 24. MY.11. Which must be a year slug error as the envelope was issued in 1916. H&G 3.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1927 6d + 1/- on registered cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1927 6d + 1/- on registered cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.

1927 (JU.4.) registered cover addressed to UK bearing 6d and 1/- adhesives (SG 78+79) tied PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS. Scarce stamps on cover.


1928/29 cover addressed to the Postmaster at Port Stanley bearing US 10c blue 'Air Mail' adhesive tied by d/r WILKINS ANTARTIC EXPEDITION/DECEPTION ISLAND h/s with Edward VII 1d adhesive at lower left corner with a further strike alongside (not tied). The cover signed by 'Hubert Wilkins'. Noted on reverse in pencil 'No cancel green cachet only'.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1937 use of MIS CUT FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1937 use of MIS CUT 'FORMULA' RPSE (size G) to USA. Unusual item.

1937 (MY.12.) use of red on yellow buff 'FORMULA' registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to USA bearing 1/2d, 1d (x2) and 2 1/2d (x2) 'Coronation' adhesives cancelled by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds and with curved crowned REGISTERED h/s. Sent on the first day of issue of these Coronation stamps. Scarce item having been officially 'MIS CUT' and showing the text and cross at angles to the normal. Unusual item.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1943 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1943 'Cable and Wireless' censored TELEGRAPH to UK from Port Stanley.

1943 (SEP.1.) use of green on cream 'Cable and Wireless Ltd' telegram from Port Stanley to Harrow in Middlesex cancelled by EMPIRE SOCIAL TELEGRAM/CENTRAL STATION cds with violet octagonal crowned PASSED/BY/CENSOR-No.2621 h/s applied.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1899 use on QV 1d adhesive at W.FALKLAND ISLANDS. A scarce West Falklands cds.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1899 use on QV 1d adhesive at W.FALKLAND ISLANDS. A scarce West Falklands cds.

1899 use of 1d (SG type 3) issue (slightly oxidised) cancelled by the d/r W.FALKLAND.W/ ISLANDS cds. A very rare postal marking for West Falklands.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1906 1d rate postcard use to Argentina used at FALKLAND ISLANDS.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1906 1d rate postcard use to Argentina used at FALKLAND ISLANDS.

1906 (DE.28.) use of postcard addressed to Argentina (hunting scene) bearing Edward VII 1d vermilion adhesive tied by FALKLAND/ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at SOUTH GEORGIA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 2 1/2d rate cover to USA used at SOUTH GEORGIA.

1929 (MR.26.) cover addressed to USA bearing 1/2d and 2d adhesives tied by individual SOUTH GEORGIA cds's (SG Z 22+24) marked 'BY H.W.' in manuscript at lower left. Attributed to the Huber Wilkinson Expedition.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1952 inward first flight cover from UK on the experimental flying boat service.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1952 inward first flight cover from UK on the experimental flying boat service.

1952 (AU.16.) illustrated first flight inward cover addressed to UK bearing 1/- adhesive tied by GOSPORT/HANTS cds and with PORT STANLEY/FIRST OVERSEAS AIRMAIL machine strike on reverse. The cover pre-printed FIRST DIRECT/FLYING BOAT/SERVICE/(experimental).

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1924 multi franked registered cover to Italy used at PORT STANLEY.

1924 (JA.30.) registered cover addressed to Italy bearing 1/2d, 1d, 2 1/2d and 1/- adhesives each tied by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds's.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2d blue RPSE unused.  H&G 1.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2d blue RPSE unused. H&G 1.

1912 2d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition. H&G 1.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 8d rate registered cover to UK (fold) used at SOUTH GEORGIA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 8d rate registered cover to UK (fold) used at SOUTH GEORGIA.

1926 (AP.20.) registered cover addressed to UK (centre fold) bearing a fine block of four of the 2d reddish maroon adhesive tied by SOUTH GEORGIA cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 1/6d rate FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1929 1/6d rate 'Wilson' registered cover to UK used at FOX BAY.

1929 (MR.15.) registered cover to UK bearing 6d and 1/- adhesives (SG 78+79) tied by FOX BAY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. Scarce top values used at Fox Bay.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1938 1d red-brown FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1938 1d red-brown 'KGVI' PSC unused. H&G 5.

1938 1d red-brown on buff postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 5.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 10/- IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in brown overprinted SPECIMEN.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 10/- IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in brown overprinted SPECIMEN.

1912 10/- (SG type 10) IMPERFORATE PLATE PROOF printed in brown on ungummed cream paper affixed to thick card from official archive and struck SPECIMEN in black. Ex printers sample.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2 1/2d deep blue mint.  SG 46b.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2 1/2d deep blue mint. SG 46b.

1912 2 1/2d deep blue in fine mint condition with overall toned gum due to it being gum arabic. A scarcer shade. SG 46b.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1916 1d rate postcard use to UK.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1916 1d rate postcard use to UK.

1916 (NO.18.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'Christchurch Cathedral Stanley, Falkland Islands' bearing 1d adhesive tied by FALKLAND ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2d reddish purple fine mint. SG 45b.
FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912 2d reddish purple fine mint. SG 45b.

1912 2d reddish purple issue in fine mint condition. A scarce shade. SG 45b.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1980 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1980 'FEE 16p' purple RPSE unused.

1980 'FEE 16p' purple on cream official stationery REGISTERED LETTER in unused condition. Heijtz R5b.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1980 FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1980 'FEE 50p' blue RPSE unused.

1980 'FEE 50p' blue on cream official stationery REGISTERED LETTER in unused condition. Heijtz R9.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 1 1/2d rate local cover to Stanley used at SOUTH GEORGIA.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 1 1/2d rate local cover to Stanley used at SOUTH GEORGIA.

1925 (MY.7.) locally addressed cover to Stanley bearing 1/2d and 1 d adhesives each struck by SOUTH GEORGIA cds's with FALKLAND ISLANDS arrival b/s dated NO.5.25. Six months delivery due to bad weather conditions. Interesting item.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912-20 5/- deep rose red tied to piece by FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. SG 67.
FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1912-20 5/- deep rose red tied to piece by FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. SG 67.

1912-20 5/- deep rose red tied to piece by FALKLAND ISLANDS cds dated AP.7.13. SG 67.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1904 1/- brown fine mint block of four.  SG 48.
FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1904 1/- brown fine mint block of four. SG 48.

1904 1/- brown in a fine mint block of four. SG 48.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1923 3/- slate green  fine unmounted mint top marginal block of four.  SG 80.
FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1923 3/- slate green fine unmounted mint top marginal block of four. SG 80.

1923 3/- slate green in a fine unmounted mint top marginal block of four. SG 80.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 OHMS envelope used locally to Roy Cove from PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 OHMS envelope used locally to Roy Cove from PORT STANLEY.

1926 (SP.15.) stampless O.H.M.S. envelope addressed to Roy Cove in the West Falklands cancelled by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1957 range of 8 air letters to UK  used from various bases.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1957 range of 8 air letters to UK used from various bases.

1957 range of 8 philatelically used (no message) dark blue on blue FORMULA postal stationery air letters addressed to UK all bearing the 6d 'Trans Antartic Expedition' 6d (SG G44) tied by various base cancels with 'Argentine Island, Base E, Base Z, Deception Island, Hope Bay, Port Lock Roy, Signy Island and Admiralty Bay cancels of various dates.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1963 1/- FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1963 1/- 'Freedom' U/M block of four. SG 211.

1963 1/- ultramarine 'Freedom From Hunger' adhesive in a fine unmounted mint corner marginal block of four. SG 211.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1936 3d rate cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1936 3d rate cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.

1936 (NO.7) cover to UK bearing GV 2 1/2d (SG 77) & 1933 Centenary 1/2d (SG 127) tied individually by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLAND cds's with code B slugs.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 4d RPSE (size F) unused.  H&G 4.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 4d RPSE (size F) unused. H&G 4.

1960 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size F) in fine unused condition. Only 1200 were issued. H&G 4.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 4d blue RPSE (size G) unused.  H&G 4a.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 4d blue RPSE (size G) unused. H&G 4a.

1960 4d blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) in fine unused condition. Only 1200 were issued. H&G 4a.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 1d rate cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1925 1d rate cover to UK used at PORT STANLEY.

1925 cover addressed to UK bearing 1d adhesive tied PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1938 2/6d slate unmounted mint.  SG 160.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1938 2/6d slate unmounted mint. SG 160.

1938 2/6d slate 'Gentoo Penguin' in fine unmounted mint condition. SG 160.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1953 colonial letter regarding FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1953 colonial letter regarding 'Savingram' with official cachet.

1953 use of crested COLONIAL OFFICE paper regarding 'Savingram' from the Secretary of State for the Colonies struck at the top by blue oval COLONIAL SECTRETARY'S OFFICE/ FALKLAND ISLANDS dated 21. APR and struck at bottom FALKLAND ISLANDS in violet. Unusual official paper.


1933 1 1/2d black & blue 'Centenary' adhesive (SG 129) tied to piece by full FALKLAND ISLANDS/DEPENDENCIES cds in violet dated 17.APR.45 for South Georgia. (Heijtz M7).

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 local 2d rate cover to Roy Cove from PORT STANLEY.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1926 local 2d rate cover to Roy Cove from PORT STANLEY.

1926 (MR.6.) long manilla cover addressed locally to Roy Cove, West Falklands bearing two examples of the 1d adhesives tied by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds. Vertical fold at left edge otherwise a fine 2d 'double letter' local rate use.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1950 OFFICIAL PAID local cover to Stanley.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1950 OFFICIAL PAID local cover to Stanley.

1950 (NO.14) use of long stampless envelope marked 'O.H.M.S.' & struck by s/r FALKLAND ISLANDS/OFFICIAL/PAID h/s at lower left & cancelled by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 1d carmine on buff PSC unused.  H&G 7.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 1d carmine on buff PSC unused. H&G 7.

1960 1d carmine on deep brownish buff postal stationery p'card in fine unused condition. Only 1,000 printed. H&G 7.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 1d+1d carmine on buff PSRC unused.  H&G 8.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1960 1d+1d carmine on buff PSRC unused. H&G 8.

1960 1d+1d carmine on deep brownish buff postal stationery p'card in fine unused condition. Only 500 printed. Elusive item. H&G 8.

FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1951 Government Air Service cover.FALKLAND ISLANDS - 1951 Government Air Service cover.

1951 (MR.10.) cover addressed locally to Stanley bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by FOX BAY/ FALKLAND ISLANDS cds and struck at left by violet three lined FLOWN BY/FALKLAND ISLANDS/ GOVERNMENT AIR SERVICE handstamp. Fox Bay to Stanley local air route.


1938 1d Brown red on cream laid paper postal stationery envelope addressed to UK cancelled by PORT STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS cds dated 26.MR.47. Scarce item. H&G7.
